The Canal Quarter

Fountainbridge South Masterplan, Edinburgh
The site is more than just a large tract of land for redevelopment: it is a unique opportunity to consider a comprehensive approach to the regeneration of the area as a whole – making new connections, extending the Exchange, creating a mixed use environment and establishing the canal side as a new quarter of Edinburgh.
The Fountainbridge Brewery is a very significant site within Edinburgh’s western city centre. The site has a long history of industry, brewing and manufacturing, much of which has either migrated to out of town areas or has been superseded by technology. The current site is disused and requires careful consideration of how and what its contribution is to be to the wellbeing of the city and to the local community.
Many of the challenges of the site were generated by historical influences, especially the transformation of the land from semi-rural to an industrial landscape in the Nineteenth century, to the post industrial situation of today.
A project team has been appointed to progress an application for Planning Permission in Principle for the redevelopment of the site which will establish the principles of what kind of uses may be developed on the site in the future and other issues such as heights, urban realm, open space, etc.
We have prepared some illustrations and an illustrative model of how the future development of the site may look and feel, which will be expanded upon as the detailed applications and proposals come forward.
Model built by Kelley Morgan Modelmakers.