Coalhill Urban Development, Leith

- First Place in International Competition
- "Best Apartment Building" Brittannia HomeBuilder Design Awards 2002
A prestigious £3.8 million development for BUREDI comprises two distinctive blocks containing thirty properties, with cafe bar/restaurant, retail units and offices at 1st floor. Coalhill was recently voted ‘Best Apartment Building’ in the Britannia National HomeBuilder Design Awards 2002.
This innovative development has transformed one of Scotland’s most historic locations, being the site of the original parliament and Mary of Guise’s palace. Coalhill is unashamedly modern in its design and represents a dynamic example of the urban renaissance within Scotland . The building acts as a strong urban-marker for Leith and was inspired by the nautical references of this particular site. The development comprises two distinctive blocks, one oval and one rectangular, each containing fifteen properties, with the ground floor reserved for cafe bar/restaurant and retail units with open plan office suites contained on the first floor.
The water’s edge is the true focus of this development and the buildings are free objects along the quayside. The ground floor commercial activity (cafe/bar and restaurant) can extend to include the wharfside, bringing a sense of outdoor living to the heart of Leith. The strong forms of the architecture not only reinforce a link with Leith’s seafaring past but offers a contemporary style which meets the demand for well designed modern properties. The project was completed in 2001.
Client - BUREDI Coalhill Ltd
Contractor - Lilley Construction