Adagio Apart-Hotel, Edinburgh

The Royal Mile Hotel forms part of the new Southern Site planning application for the Caltongate site to the North of the Royal Mile in the historic Old Town of Edinburgh.
The 250 bed hotel sits behind the retained Royal Mile facades of the Old Sailor’s Ark building, and 221-229 Canongate. The hotel is configured as a new build courtyard block with a wing extending over a new arched pend inserted at 221-225 Canongate.
The existing doorway of the Old Sailors’ Ark fronting on to the Canongate has been retained as the public entrance to the new hotel and new shop frontages have been introduced along the street, emphasising the scale and character of the principal street of the city's Old Town and bringing new life back into the Canongate.
Shops also line the new links between the Waverley Valley and Canongate and the New Scottish Parliament.
The hotel forms the southern edge of the new civic square and is bringing significant numbers of people back into the historic Canongate area of the city.