Great Egyptian Museum, Cairo

2002 - International Competition Submission
Our proposals for the Egyptian Museum centre around the idea of an “architectural promenade”. The Egyptian Museum must be a point of arrival and the beginning of a memorable journey. Travellers arriving will walk along the water-filled Nile Park and glimpse the Pyramid of Cheops through the building.
The Great Hall is a gathering space, a sanctuary, as well as a ‘souk’ offering refreshments before entering the core of the Museum. Within the limestone carapace exists a series of chambers which offer a variety of ‘journeys’ through the Museum, connecting the main exhibition areas by theme. The various routes coalesce at the highest point of the journey - the Hall of Eternity. Here the traveller pauses for the final epiphany - the Treasure Hall of Tutankhamon, returning through the Gallery of the Pyramids before departing.
The promenades are further articulated through the use of light, weight, gardens and climate.